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Posted by gatch72 on 22-03-2008 at 00:18:

Happy Easter

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter.

KatseMad Ruler of Spectra's SiteKatse
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Posted by damieon on 22-03-2008 at 03:41:

Did anybody know that Easter is actually a Pagan holiday?

I'm that little voice in the back of your head telling you to do what you don't want to be doing.

Posted by kimiko on 22-03-2008 at 08:47:

Yep most christian holidays are, and most of the traditions surrounding them have pagan xmas trees, decorating eggs, bunnies...all are symbols of fertility, death & rebirth and changing of the seasons.

Putting the "Con" in Condor....Ooooo... shiny red button!

Posted by Cep on 22-03-2008 at 13:10:

Its snowing! Big Grin Happy Easter everyone!

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by clouddancer on 22-03-2008 at 14:23:

Happy Easter
Everyone. Bunny

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Hinotori on 22-03-2008 at 15:25:

Happy Easter! Rabbit

Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

Posted by Transmute Jun on 22-03-2008 at 16:28:

Easter Greetings to everyone!




Posted by stardust on 22-03-2008 at 16:35:

They are pagan because that is how the Christians hid their celebrations from them. They used the solstices as a way to celebrate their own holidays.
Christ was actually born in April or so.


A villain must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace. He must be wicked enough to excite our aversion, strong enough to arouse our fear, human enough to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. - Agnes Repplier

Posted by amyltrer on 22-03-2008 at 16:48:

Easter? Omfg Oh wait, you Catholics celebrate it a month earlier! The Orthodox Easter is on 27 april. So is my spring holiday Smile

Anyway, Happy Easter!

It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

Posted by amyltrer on 22-03-2008 at 16:49:

Originally posted by damieon
Did anybody know that Easter is actually a Pagan holiday?

As much as I know, it's jewish! It was set on the same time with a Pagan holiday, because the folk's beliefs were too strong.

It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

Posted by damieon on 22-03-2008 at 16:51:

I did not find this out until yesterday my brother-in-law told me about it, what is the relation with Christmas and the pagan society? I did not know about that either hell I always thought that Christmas was the celebration of the birth of Christ.

I'm that little voice in the back of your head telling you to do what you don't want to be doing.

Posted by clouddancer on 22-03-2008 at 17:24:

Have you ever heard of Yule Damieon? check out:

I also think of it as, Christmas is close to the time of the Winter Solstice. The darkest time of the year and celebrates the time of reawakening, or the returning of the light.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by stardust on 22-03-2008 at 17:25:

Sounds like a little history lesson time. It turns out that damieon and amy are both right.
It's Jewish because the Last Supper is actually the passover meal. Yes Jesus was Jewish, the Christians do not celebrate Passover anymore because we commemorate it every Sunday through the act of Communion. Amy, it is not just Catholics that celebrate Easter tomorrow it is the majority of Christians with the exception of Orthodox (or as I was raised in NY it was the Greek Orthodox.) Why that happens I have no idea but perhaps Amy you can teach me.
The Christians were persecuted by the pagans, so they moved Christs birth celebration to December so they can celebrate under the guise of the Winter Solstice, the same with Easter.
However there is a Christian signifigance with the tree but I forget now what it is.
But to my knowledge that is why there are so many pagan symbols mixed in with the Christian ones.


A villain must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace. He must be wicked enough to excite our aversion, strong enough to arouse our fear, human enough to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. - Agnes Repplier

Posted by Transmute Jun on 22-03-2008 at 17:26:

Actually, if we want to be technical....

The Last Supper (which was the Thursday/night before Jesus' arrest and crucifiction) was a Passover Seder meal. Therefore, Easter is known to be the Sunday at the end of Passover. Therefore, Easter is timed every year to coincide with Passover. (This is why the Orthodox churches like Amy's are celebrating Easter in a month, instead of now. The slight differences in description of the lunar cycles cause the differences every so often.)

Now additionally, there are the issues of early Christians hiding their celebrations and masking them with pagan ones, in addition to bringing in other, more familiar traditions to make new converts feel welcome. But unlike Christmas, there is actually a biblical reason for Easter being timed now.


Posted by lborgia88 on 22-03-2008 at 17:50:

Very recently, I learned about "Dyngus Day," courtesy of my Polish-American boyfriend. It's the Monday after Easter Sunday, and apparently it involves boys throwing water at girls and swatting their legs with pussywillows.

I could really be in for it, come Monday morning. And, I'm 99 percent convinced that it must have originated as some sort of pre-Christian fertility ritual (hopefully not an effective ritual!)

Posted by kimiko on 22-03-2008 at 19:24:

The timing of easter is based on the lunar phase...It's the first sunday, after the first full moon, following the spring equinox...Thursday (march 20th) was the spring equinox, Friday was the full moon so Easter is this Sunday. That's why it's so early this year.

Putting the "Con" in Condor....Ooooo... shiny red button!

Posted by meg on 22-03-2008 at 22:21:

Happy Easter Everyone!

Posted by Hinotori on 22-03-2008 at 23:12:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
The Last Supper (which was the Thursday/night before Jesus' arrest and crucifiction) was a Passover Seder meal. Therefore, Easter is known to be the Sunday at the end of Passover. Therefore, Easter is timed every year to coincide with Passover.

I may be splitting hairs here, but if Jesus' resurrection took place three days after his death (and his death took place the day after the first Passover Seder), then he actually rose again in the middle of the holiday, as Passover is celebrated for 8 days.

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
(This is why the Orthodox churches like Amy's are celebrating Easter in a month, instead of now. The slight differences in description of the lunar cycles cause the differences every so often.)

Yes, this is true. The Passover holiday begins on the 15th day of Hebrew month Nisan, so usually every year Easter and Passover fall around the same general time. This year, however, was a leap year on the Gregorian calendar (but not on the Jewish calendar), which is why the lunar cycles seem "early".

Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

Posted by damieon on 23-03-2008 at 18:54:

So confusing...... I didn't think that the lunar cycles had so much to do with the holidays lol

I'm that little voice in the back of your head telling you to do what you don't want to be doing.

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 23-03-2008 at 23:40:

Originally posted by damieon
Did anybody know that Easter is actually a Pagan holiday?

I've heard people say thing like that...but its far from the truth, pagans have their own celebrations.

Some things like decorated trees,and eggs came from the old pagan days... Christians borrowed them but used them for different purposes.

Eggs were used to represent the new life Jesus gave us during the Christian Easter period.

But Easter itself is about how Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins... and the rose again three days later.

The new testament isn't a Jewish part of the bible its Christian.

The old testament is. (But Christians still refer to the wisdom of the old testament.)

Christians, as we became, acknowledge that we have been forgiven for our sins by the death of Jesus through water baptism. We no longer have to carry the burden, and we can live in the grace of god.

Jews don't recognize Christ as the son of god. But they do respect him as a prophet.

As for timing...yes it stems from the bible.

You are right in saying that early Christians had to hide their faith because of the Romans empire... There is a difference between religion and faith.
But some were brave enough to stand up to them.

Watch the movie... "Passion of the Christ." That explains it very well, and it closer to the truth of what happened than most movies I have seen.

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

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