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Posted by Metaliant on 11-03-2008 at 20:27:

Car and van drivers

Okay, dokey. I will warn you now, my language can be bad and I do mean extremely bad, so I warn you again, if you are offended by certain words that kinda inapproiate then I apoligise.

I have seen this several times from last year and I fucking wished I took photos on my phone.....I just might start doing that.

I hate some car and van drivers because they are so fucking stupid and are in the wankers club. These drivers will park their vehicles either halfway on the pavement OR ON THE BLOODY FUCKING WANKING WHOLE PAVEMENT AND BLOCK IT .

Last year, I was walking home from work on one Wednesday and I saw a driver in his stupid fucking huge van parked ON the fucking pavement, blocking it, so nobody, NOBODY can walk past.

This was on a sunny day, with the sun shining almost behind me and I was going to cross the road, so I can walk past the van and cross the road again. I couldn't quite see what's behind me and I was just about going to cross the fucking road, when I saw a glint of sunshine coming off a car's windscreen, so I waited until the car and the one behind it go past me, before crossing the road FUCKING TWICE .

This isn't the first time. Few days later, I was walking to catch a bus and had to walk past a petrol station. Now I saw a small van parked right on the pavement and FUCKING BLOCKING THE FUCKING PAVEMENT .

I was forced to walk through an opening between the petrol station's sign and the fucking van.

Seveal times, I had to squeeze past cars or vans parked halfway on the pavement or literaterly walk on the road past the fucking vehicles.

Now I am partially sighted and I consider THAT fucking reckless, but what happens if another disabled person or a mother with smalll children or a buggy or an OAP (Old Aged Pensioner) get hit by a vehicle because they are forced to walk on the road because of these BLOODY, FUCKING, WANKING FUCKTARDS WHO PARK THEIR CARS/VANS HALFWAY/ALL THE PAVEMENT.

What I am going to do is take photos on my phone and start an artiles and send it to the local newspapers and TV news programmes.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 11-03-2008 at 20:43:

You go, Met!!

Rant away, darlin!!

I love it when you talk dirty.

Van drivers are among the most dangerous drivers on the road. Flash avoids them like the plague.

Honda Civic drivers are just as bad. Whenever we see someone doing something stupid, it is always either a Van or a Honda!

On Sat, during the snow storm, we were driving, nothing behind us at all, and fucktard in a mini-van decided to just pull out of a side street, ignoring the fact he had a stop sign, and then SLOWED DOWN!

We fishtailed to avoid him ...

Blocking sidewalks and intersections are a massive pet peeve, so I can definitely sympathise. Here in Toronto, we can actually call for Parking enforcement to tow them, can you do that where you are?



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Metaliant on 11-03-2008 at 22:12:

I don't think so but any Condors who press their shiny red buttons will get free drinks at Snack J on somebody's (not mine) tab.

I am now wondering if our white van drivers are the same in other countries. They seem to breed like rabbits but not so cute.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by lborgia88 on 12-03-2008 at 15:54:

You are totally justified in your rant. Anyone who would block an entire sidewalk with their car is rude and insensitive -even worse than people who leave their shopping carts strewn across parking lots, blocking up spaces, instead of putting them away where they belong (my personal peeve).

Now, at the risk of offending you, I'm going to wonder if this is a particularly English phenomenon. Back in June, I spent 10 days traveling around Northern England with my Dad and step-Mom, in a rental car. Now, English towns are very old and their roads are more narrow and twisty than North Americans are accustomed to -I get that- but in so many instances, we found ourselves driving around a curve in a road, completely on the wrong side of the road (wrong to the English, that is), desperately praying that no one was coming the other way. Why were we courting death in this manner? Because one entire side of the road, the side we were supposed to be driving on, was entirely filled with parked cars. Where I live, parking like that would guarantee that you were either slapped with a ticket or that your car would be towed away.

What does it take to get a parking ticket in England?

Granted, the fact that the driver of our car, my Dad, was 73 and not too accustomed to driving in the U.K. probably factored into my anxiety!

Posted by meridianday on 12-03-2008 at 16:14:

In the UK, if there are no markings on the road meaning that you shouldn't park there, and it's not a "clearway", then you can park there. Unless something is really dangerous or blocking the road such that it's obstructing traffic, there's no reason for a ticket.

I would suspect it's also the case in much of europe, don't know though. Certainly spanish parking is all over the place, and the roads in Gibraltar are a nightmare with all the parked cars everywhere and buses trying to squeeze through tiny gaps.

Belgium has this loony rule that if you're in a town, on a main road, then you have to give way to people turning onto the main road from the right. Or maybe it's just Brussels. Imagine what that would be like, if you're driving along in a town and have to slow down for every side road in case someone decides to come out of it.

France used to have a rule about traffic islands that the people on the island would have to give way to the people coming onto the island - they've changed that now so it's the other way round. I can only imagine the chaos and delays the old rule must have caused.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by Metaliant on 12-03-2008 at 16:17:

Unfortuantely you do get that. Some roads are wide enough for traffic going both ways BUT if there are any parked cars on one side, then it's a bit narrow. Most towns do have wider roads or will have them but there are some which still have those very narrow roads that have been there since the creation of the town.

If there are any double yellow lines, then that means they are breaking the law. The same goes for parking near a crossing.

Hell, there was a newspaper story about a old woman riding a bicycle on the fast lane on the motorways (I presume it's Highways in North America) going in the opposite direction.

Sometimes I love shows like show completely fucktards (Damm I do love that word) who amazingly pass their driving tests. I assume I can pass mine as well now.

Another problems are fucktard, especially kids, who ride bicycles on the pavement and who think they own the fucking thing.

There was one time, where a bunch of people, including me, were either walking around other people who wanted to use an ATM outside a bank, then 2 kids rode through everybody and nearly went into me. I wish I could just stick my arm out and knock the kid off his bike.

Anther time ande I was walking to get a bus and a cyclist (not a kid) asked me to move, so he can cycle pass on the pavement, which unfortuantly I did by stepping onto the road, which was luckily completrely empty of traffic.

The fucking wanking bloody fugly fuctard should have rode on the road and not on the pavement, as the law will state that I have the right of way on the pavement unlike in Europe where any vehicle has the right of way on the pavement.

Right, that's it, I have had enough, I am going to put a gattling gun and ARV/C (Air to Road Vehicle/Cycle) missiles on my G1 and go hunting.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 12-03-2008 at 16:27:

Oh Iborgia, you should try driving in Toronto after snowfalls.

Currently all roads are one lane because of Snowbanks that you can't even see over, so you court death everytime you turn into a side road.

One big rule here in the T.O. is DON'T BLOCK SIDEWALKS. So you don't see it too often - except on my street (where I work) because it's high trucking area and the truck bays are simply not long enough for the truck to dock without it's cab jutting out into the street.

It's a pain in the ass as a pedestrian because the drivers around here seem to all think they're Mario Andretti (sp?) and take the curves on two wheels ...

The Green Hornets hover here all the time (their base is at the top of the street) but they'll only ticket on days where you have no farking choice but to stop on the street ...



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by meridianday on 12-03-2008 at 16:47:

My husband was away last week in Majorca, which is one of the spanish islands in the Mediterranean. He decided to drive (I went there a few years ago, having taken a child car seat and my driving licence, and just the bus transfer from the airport made me decide never to drive there!). He now reckons that Majorca must be a major exporter of donor organs from road accidents!

Oddly enough, we've been to Ibiza lots of times, which is another spanish island that's virtually next door to Majorca, and never had any worries about driving there.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by lborgia88 on 12-03-2008 at 18:13:

Originally posted by SJ_SwanJun
Oh Iborgia, you should try driving in Toronto after snowfalls.

Currently all roads are one lane because of Snowbanks that you can't even see over, so you court death everytime you turn into a side road.

It's a pain in the ass as a pedestrian because the drivers around here seem to all think they're Mario Andretti (sp?) and take the curves on two wheels ...


Hee! As a Canadian, I fully understand the difficulty in preventing snow-created driving hazards. When I used to live in Montreal, I was frequently glad that I didn't have a car.

As for drivers who emulate Andretti, I live in Indianapolis, so you can imagine who the drivers here all try to be -NASCAR drivers! I have never in my life encountered so many aggressive tailgaters or had so many cars abruptly cut in front of me.

Posted by lborgia88 on 12-03-2008 at 18:14:

Metaliant, Meridianday, thanks for the tips on European driving practices. The next time I'm over there, I'll be better prepared.

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 12-03-2008 at 18:33:

Originally posted by lborgia88
Originally posted by SJ_SwanJun
Oh Iborgia, you should try driving in Toronto after snowfalls.

Currently all roads are one lane because of Snowbanks that you can't even see over, so you court death everytime you turn into a side road.

It's a pain in the ass as a pedestrian because the drivers around here seem to all think they're Mario Andretti (sp?) and take the curves on two wheels ...


Hee! As a Canadian, I fully understand the difficulty in preventing snow-created driving hazards. When I used to live in Montreal, I was frequently glad that I didn't have a car.

As for drivers who emulate Andretti, I live in Indianapolis, so you can imagine who the drivers here all try to be -NASCAR drivers! I have never in my life encountered so many aggressive tailgaters or had so many cars abruptly cut in front of me.

Bolding is mine...

Okay. I've been to Montreal a couple of times (oh parlez-vous francais madamoiselle? - ignore spelling) ... And you say you've never seen such aggressive driving?!?!?!?!

Holy shit. In Montreal you stay off the sidewalks! Those drivers are NUTS!


Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by lborgia88 on 12-03-2008 at 19:04:

Ah, see, but I didn't drive at all in Montreal. I stayed on the downtown sidewalks or, better yet, down in the Metro tunnels. But I sure as hell learned to look both ways twice before crossing any intersections, even with a green light.

Ils conduisent leurs voitures comme des maniacs.

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 12-03-2008 at 19:18:

Ils pensent qu'ils sont des Condors.


Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 12-03-2008 at 19:38:

Originally posted by SJ_SwanJun
Ils pensent qu'ils sont des Condors.

Non! Le Condor, il n'est pas un maniac. Il est seulment tres, tres excellent.


Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 12-03-2008 at 19:51:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Originally posted by SJ_SwanJun
Ils pensent qu'ils sont des Condors.

Non! Le Condor, il n'est pas un maniac. Il est seulment tres, tres excellent.

Comment de consentir que le Condor est un maniaque contrôlé ?

Ahhhhhh hijacked

Heh heh .....

Sorry Met


Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Metaliant on 12-03-2008 at 20:18:

Originally posted by lborgia88
Ah, see, but I didn't drive at all in Montreal. I stayed on the downtown sidewalks or, better yet, down in the Metro tunnels. But I sure as hell learned to look both ways twice before crossing any intersections, even with a green light.

When I started working at Homebase, I have to cross a one way street. To get to work I have to look over my left shoulder and forward to see if there are cars turning and on my way back to catch a bus home I have to look over my right shoulder and look forwards for the cars turning.

Well I used to run to catch my bus (I don't now as I can't be arse 'cause of health issue called been knackered) I looked over my right shoulder and forward, no cars, didn't have to look to my left because there should have been a car going in the wrong way in a one way street and guess what happens........

.......a fucking stupid woman driving a white car was driving in the opposite direction in a one way street.....luckily for me I just saw her in my periphery vision.

Ever since I ALWAYS look in all directions where's there's a road/roads I am crossing, whether there's traffic/no traffic or any kind of crossing with lights, blink).a pelican crossing or a zebra crossing (zebra striped crossing with 2 poles with orange lights that occasional for no reason).

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by lborgia88 on 12-03-2008 at 20:21:

A mon avis, vous avez trouve un compromis acceptable, non?

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 12-03-2008 at 20:22:

Back on topic ...

With regards to Vans - this just happened

Damn Van Drivers

Poor little baby boy ...



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 12-03-2008 at 20:24:

Originally posted by lborgia88
A mon avis, vous avez trouve un compromis acceptable, non?

Hé, je suis un Cygne, je suppose automatiquement que le Condor est des noix !

Oh attendre, no. Cela serait les pensées de l'Aigle.


Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by stardust on 12-03-2008 at 20:27:

Well, I can assure you Met as a van driver in the US I am not a jerk with it, at least I don't think I am.
However I can so sympathize with some of the laments here. As a van driver I get constantly cut off because people think I am 'slow'. Imagine there surprise when I am up their asses and passing them on the highway! Of course my favorite is when people cut me off and then slow down, I have a bigger vehicle and need more stopping power, but these are probably the same jerks that think nothing of cutting off Mack trucks and then can't understand why it jacknifed on the highway.
But to sympathize here, I hate when people use the size of their cars to intimidate other drivers! I have had the big honkin SUVS who can eat my van for lunch come up my ass just to make me move faster, it is rather annoying. Or the jerks that take up 2 parking spots!
Then there are those idiots that think they can drive in the snow and speed in it! Normally they come fishtailing straight for me.
So good rant Met and I will keep you in mind while driving my van.


A villain must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace. He must be wicked enough to excite our aversion, strong enough to arouse our fear, human enough to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. - Agnes Repplier

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