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Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 11-03-2008 at 16:37:

When the Swan is on Defense

Customer complaints are something I'm very used to.

I field a hell of a lot - when you have over 200 stores, they're expected.

There are rules, of course, when making a complaint ... Most people are good about it, others are not.

Today's complaint was the latter.

So my DC guy, Steve, I love him muchly. He is the sweetest guy on the planet and someone I will defend if someone does something wrong by him.

He's also cute, as all Steve's are, but that is beside the point ...

A couple of my loathes are Couriers and Truck drivers. Both groups of individuals tend to be brash, rude and desperately unpleasant as well as demanding and whiney.

As was today's guy.

I get accosted at my desk by a guy who is snarling about wanting to get the number for a Manager. So I ask what the nature of the request was and immediately get a long grunt and told "get me a manager"

:blink: Mistake #1

I purse my lips, smile sweetly and ask him for what reason he needed a Managerial-type person.

again. "I said I want a Manager, get me one"

:ahem: Mistake #1 is drawing out a little longer than normal.

Note: This is a Corp Office and Distribution Centre - there are no Managers; we have Directors and VP's, even a Pres and a CEO, but no Managers (aside from my guy Steve)

Smile falters only a little, but I manage to keep it fairly well in place and elaborate a little on my own request. I advise him that I ask him the nature of his request only so that I may suggest the most appropriate individual, lest I waste both our time with calling seven different people...

Therein comes the rant:

Something about how this guy ignored the fact that there was already a semi in the loading dock with two other fully loaded vehicles waiting on the street. He knew that the dock that was available was partially obstructed with snow, but chose to jump in line and pull up to a dock that .... that we simply aren't using.

So he goes in as another truck moves in to be unloaded.

He is advised that his appointment for delivery was not for another three hours, and he needs to come back.

Meanwhile the DC crew have moved in to empty the newest truck.

Idiot truck driver then tells the driver of the truck being unloaded that he has to move so he can get out...

Obviously the answer is NO ... dolt ...

So he complains to Steve and tells him to tell the other driver to move the truck.

Steve refuses for two reasons:

The guy pushed the line and docked without authorization, and,

you NEVER get into a dispute between truck drivers.

I've seen these guys go at it in our parking lot in the past - you step far away from them when they're feisty

So the guy isn't happy with it, calls dispatch and is told to harangue me until he gets a contact name/number.

So BOOM! In through my door he walks

After we discuss ... he makes mistake number two ...

He refers to Steve as "The black man"

I inform him that his name is Steve, not black man. Again he calls him the black man.

My shackles rise.

Don't be a racist sonovabitch in my building, because I'll have your ass - and especially don't be a racist when you are a visible minority yourself! (I will not go into his racial heritage because it is unnecessary for this story)...

So he growls at me and tells me to tell the Black man that he has to go and tell this other truckie to move.

Oh no, it ain't happening.

Then "Find me a Manager!"

I advise him that Steve is the Manager.

"Give me someone above him."

Ordinarily I will bend over backwards to aid anyone in lodging complaints and what-not, but this guy had already made two mistakes and had admitted to being in the wrong in the first place.

He was told he would only have to wait 20 minutes until the truck was clear (my guys work fast) ...

But, no. He was not going to wait and he is definitely not returning with our merchandise at three. He'd rather just dump it on the road instead.

Mistake #3

My eyes flash, glint, and the mischevious smile twisted my lips.

Oh a threat.


Immediately I give him the name of our Operations guy who isn't a take shit kind of guy ... He loves to deal with pricks like this.

I then contact my buddy Steve to give him the heads up ...

This guy comes in a lot apparently, and the DC boys are now going to ... ahem ... "look after him" next time he comes in ...

Whatever that means I don't want to hazard a guess. My boy Steve is like good old Markey-Warkey he'll grunt, but give you one or two chances to redeem yourself.

My Operations guy is all Condor ...

This may get interesting.

Swannie did her part ...

Oh, I did send the guy out with a stern instruction to just wait. When he looked to argue with me I just told him that if Steve wants him to wait, he has no damn choice but to.


ETA: Steve just called me - apparently one of our regular truck drivers had enough of the guy's whining and rolled his eyes as he told Steve to let the guy unload ahead of him.

Nice guy - he's getting a coffee from me ...

But the story with this guy was that he actually tried to drive around the truck that was attempting to dock, and got stuck. So he tried to be sneaky, drive around a docking semi, and got all pissy at the driver for not moving out of his way....

Gee ... some people


Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Tengu on 11-03-2008 at 16:41:

Stop grousing, you are very lucky to have a job and if nothing happened you would be whining because you are bored

"If you think I am a Condor, you may keep that opinion;
Though I am no Condor, my Skylines rusty enough."

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 11-03-2008 at 16:46:

What the fuck?

Jesus Tengu, why don't you pull your head out of your ass for long enough to read the fucking post.

I wasn't complaining about my job, I was retelling a story. In fact, show me where in there I was complaining or "grousing" ...

You've got problems, you know that? You just can't find it within you to say anything nice, can you? You've always got to nitpick everything and make everyone else feel like shit right on beside you...


Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Metaliant on 11-03-2008 at 19:42:

Ding, ding. "End of Round 1. Guys go to your corners please and have a drink or two. SJ, it's pity that the world has too many racist idiots who can't seem to think and blame everybody else when it clearly the idiot's fault.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 11-03-2008 at 19:47:

Thanks, Met. I am not blaming racism for the attitude, but I am miffed that he used racism to express his displeasure in a guy who is such a nice guy.

Because that is so uncool ...

But we sorted it out with his dispatch and have indicated that we don't want him around anymore. We'll see if it works ... Tongue

Honestly, though, in my seven years here, I've never heard a bad thing ever said about Steve. He really is such a sweetheart ...

He's kinda stunned over it.



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Metaliant on 11-03-2008 at 20:08:

The next idiot comes in, you should hit him with your yoyo to teach him a lesson or let one of our Condors to press that huge bright shiny red button.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 11-03-2008 at 21:46:

SJ.. I have seen that in docks before in store that I have worked in that take direct deliveries... it sounds like some of the things I have heard from drivers...but I was just getting stock from the basement of the store at the time and the guys who dealt with them would often curse under their breath about the attitude of truckies. At least not all of them are like that....

ITA its low to use someones race as means of making your generally means you're in the wrong if you need to do that....

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by amyltrer on 12-03-2008 at 05:58:

Geez, SJ, they should include Judo courses in your job , so you can deal with jerks like this anytime!

It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

Posted by kimiko on 12-03-2008 at 13:24:

SJ I hear ya...We have had some idiots come to our loading bay...All of the HBC drivers know that between noon & 1pm Receiving is closed for lunch. Big metal sign on the door saying so.

Dave the head guy at the DC is a condor and accepts no bullshit whatsoever. If you're nice to him he's nice to you....if it's the other way...look out! We had one driver that refused to shunt one of our trailers. Ummmm... buddy how are you going to drop your load off if you don't? Let's just say this particular driver from whereabouts unknown has a problem with taking orders from women. Anyway the receiver at the time (a woman) calls Dave and explains the situation to him and Dave wants the driver on the phone...NOW!!! Buddy got his ass verbally handed to him and we could hear Dave screaming at him over the phone.

It's the mostly the couriers we have problems with. One time this guy came into the store and totally freaked on the girl at Customer Service Desk about how he's been ringing the receiving door buzzer for half an hour and lalalalalala...the store manager sees this and then tears him a new asshole!

My FIL is a trucker and he has some stories let me tell you! FIL gets paid by the hour so he doesn't care how long he has to wait to dock, so he just reads his paper/book, does the puzzles or has a nap until it's his turn. I think most drivers are paid by the hour so I can't understand why some have such a problem with waiting their turns. They're basically getting paid to have an extended break...

Putting the "Con" in Condor....Ooooo... shiny red button!

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 12-03-2008 at 13:43:

We have no issue, really, with the semi-drivers. REAL truckers are pretty cool - Hell I've hitched rides with them (during my dangerous phase of life) and they really do get a bum rap ...

I enjoy chatting with them, myself ... they only ever seem to get feisty on each other, and as much as they are whistlers and pervers, they are usually really polite and respectful when I approach them.

It is the smaller truck drivers that have the big-truck menality (supposed big truck mentality) They feel that they're important, moreso than anyone else, and they usually cause problems.

That was the case here.

Couriers - wow. Yeah, I have problems with many of them. My biggest peeve is the apparent lack of hygene they seem to have.

There have been times I've had to put up with their bullshit, their smell, and then have to find the toilet spray to air out the remaining stench.

The funniest was the pot user - oh shit - It came in like a cloud and hung around. I was laughing at the embarrassment of it when boss-man walked in and gave me "the look" ....

I stole the bathroom spray again for that one ... Tongue

Glad your managers are so quick to stand up for their team!! Good on them!



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Metaliant on 12-03-2008 at 15:25:

Originally posted by kimiko
It's the mostly the couriers we have problems with. One time this guy came into the store and totally freaked on the girl at Customer Service Desk about how he's been ringing the receiving door buzzer for half an hour and lalalalalala...the store manager sees this and then tears him a new asshole!

We have a smiliarish problem, though to be fair, the bell that drivers should press doesn't work that well and sometimes you can't hear it or it breaks or nobody is in the warehouse.

If there is a delivery, then if's a small one, then anybody can sign it and either leave it at the bottom of the yard or put it into the warehouse if bad weather, but hardly anybody does this and it mainly me, my supervisor, who's in charge of the warehouse or anybody who can drive a forklift.

I hate it when I am called to the warehouse and find it's a forklift job, which I can't do as I am partially sighted and people know I can't drive a forlift but they get me instead because they don't ask the driver if they need one.

Some drivers get pissed off for 2 reasons. One is that nobody is in the warehouse and the driver is kept waiting for a long time and two, if somebody is called to thw warehouse, they either can't be bothered or they are with a customer or they are doing a spot of training, meeting, on their 15 min break or lunch and the driver is really pissed off for that.

One time, a driver came with a delivery and it was a forlift job but the problem was this, there was nobody who could driver a forlift job and I had to ask the store manager at the time about this. He couldn't give a monkeys and told me to explain this to the driver, who was really pissed off. Eventually after about a half an hour I think, the store manager, WHO COULD DRIVE A FORLIFT, came down and did the delivery.

Sometimes, when my supervisor is having his lunch break and a delivery comes and he's the only forlift driver there, the driver will be pissed off and complains. Some drivers who have lorry's or vans are okay and friendly.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by kimiko on 12-03-2008 at 15:41:

Another problem we have is that many of the trucks that deliver to us do not have duck tails. The ones that do like Coke/Pepsi, milk, bread etc...they just pull around to the front of the store and come in that way, they sign in and do their own thing. All other deliveries have to go through receiving...I'm assuming this is for loss pervention and company safety & insurance policies.

Putting the "Con" in Condor....Ooooo... shiny red button!

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 12-03-2008 at 16:05:

Ahh Health and Safety issues - Yeah, some truck drivers simply don't understand the concept.

I'm on the JHSC, certified member, and Hell, don't come to me and make demands that are unsafe for my coworkers.

You'd be surprised how many couriers, etc, come in and expect me to allow them to do shit that is "unsafe" ...

Then again, some staff members do it too ... Then wonder why they hurt themselves:

"Yes the ladder was in the trash bin outside. It was there because the anti-skid feet are missing on it. There are three perfectly good ones at the doorway leading to said bin ... explain to me why you felt the need to pull the rusted one out of the bin to use?"




Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Metaliant on 12-03-2008 at 16:23:

Don't talk to me about Health & Safety rules please.

ANY STAFF going into the warehouse, regardless of who they are and how long they going to be must wear a yellow fluescent jacket, but about half of the staff don't because they think they are excempt for one reason or another or that when they do put the jackets on in the warehouse, then you usually keep them on the shop floor and don't put them back on the fucking hooks which they should be hung on and so no jackets on hooks is one example of intelligence for some staff.

I am the only one who tells people to put a jacket on and love it when I can tell the store manager off or reminding him to do so.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 12-03-2008 at 16:35:

We have to be super diligent here in Ontario now because Health and Safety violations fall under the criminal code.

Yeah, if someone dies in the workplace you can get up to 25 years in jail ... Yup!

When the Ministry of Labour runs in for their unannounced spot check; if you are found to be doing something naughty, they will fine you on the spot.

Up to $25,000 believe it or not ...

Of course those are the extremes, but who would want to chance it?



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by clouddancer on 12-03-2008 at 17:39:

Wow SJ,
I did not know fines could be so high.
I wonder who the fine would be administered to if we (teachers) were caught doing something unsafe in a school.

As for unhealthy, well we are dealing with health and safety right now while we are dealing with cockroaches in the school and the sprays that are being used to kill them.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 12-03-2008 at 17:58:

Yeah, it's nuts, eh.

I actually completed certification two weeks ago, it was a three-day course where we learned a lot of scarey things.

There are, of course, CYA measures to protect yourself. If you notice something unsafe/unhealthy, all you need to do to take the onus off you and your team is to report it to the higher ups. It is then on them to make sure that it is taken care of.

In fact, they have 21 days to get back to you with an action plan or they are fined!

Pretty heavy duty stuff...



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by kimiko on 13-03-2008 at 12:55:

Well it took myself and another employee being taken by ambulence to the hospital for our store manager to get our power jack's battery properly replaced!

Oh yeah that awful sulfurous rotten egg smell...yeah he noticed the smell, told my supervisor there was a smell...duh...but didn't investigate where said smell was coming from...

Yeah I have so much faith in this guy...

Putting the "Con" in Condor....Ooooo... shiny red button!

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 13-03-2008 at 13:19:

Oh yes, I remember you talking about that incident...

My suggestion to you, Kimi, is if something like this happens again, and they won't do anything, call the Ministry of Labour - they'll immediately send in one of their inspectors and completely go through the entire place.

I am sure once the warnings and fines begin to pop up, they'll act swiftly.

And don't panic - the MoL accept anonymous reports ...



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by kimiko on 13-03-2008 at 13:38:

The ministry rep was there within the hour after the fire dept ok'd people to be let back in. He apparently did a thorough inspection and found many other no-no's. I think he gave them a week to get the major problems remedied, then he returned for a follow-up inspection. It cost them alot more $$$ being forced to fix the things than if they'd just followed up with proper routine maintenance!

BTW I had a one on one sit down with said manager last week...apparently I have had way too many absences from work. His tone changed really quick when I mentioned that I have "certain" health problems.... Oh did he backtrack!

Putting the "Con" in Condor....Ooooo... shiny red button!

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