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Posted by Metaliant on 17-02-2008 at 00:05:


Several weeks ago, I went to see Cloverfield and oh my willy aunt, it was not good but dddaaammmmm good.

I liked that they did the style out of just 1 camera and not different camera angles like in all movies as you didn't know what the hell was going on.

If nobody sees the movie then here's a spoiler warning.


A damm big alien with 4 legs and a lot of teeth decides to destroy New York. The US army can't kill it and 4 young New Yorkers try to rescue a friend. One of them uses a video camera (which us, the viewers see out of).

They decide to go into the dark and damp underground train tunnel (They don't obvisouly watch sci-fi/horror films) and get attacked ty these small creatures that fall off the big one up on top destorying New York. One of the young people gets bit.

When they get find by some soldiers, who take themn to a hospital, the person who got bit exploded. The 3 remaining ones try to escape in a helicopter which gets attacked by the big mutherfooka and crashes.

Some hours later the 3 young people who somehow surived the crashed were trying to move away from the crash, when the big alien chewed on the person using the video camera.

At the end, which is similar tot he Dawn Of The Dead remake, the 2 surivors are hiding out under a tunnel, when the tunnel collapsed on them (I presume the big alien stepped on the tunnel or the army nuked the area)

You actually don't see or hear what happens as the video camera is covered with rocks but at the beginning of the film, the video camera is found by either army, CIA, Area 52 type peopl or something like that.

The film was made by J J Abrams, the brains behind Lost, so it's quite good.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

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