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--- I am Legend...and no I'm not talking about the Condor..grins.. (

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 20-01-2008 at 10:52:

I am Legend...and no I'm not talking about the Condor..grins..

I just watched the movie I am legend and for some reason it was creepy...I found it more do I put the emotions in creeped me out more that A Vampire movie...

I went to go outside(because it's dark here at the moment and I looked around for one those creepy rabies people, I expected one to jump out at me!Scary, I haven't seen a movie that made me do that in a long time!)

It didn't help that it reflected a bad dream that I had the night before...and I didn't know anything about the movie...but creepy dreams and then movies..dodooddoo...Twighlight Zone...

I have never been to New York, but man did it look good for a movie set!!!

It was deep in a way...but then I like deep...and comedy depending on the mood...

For some reason I could see the Condor in a situation like that....or the Eagle...all alone but never leaving the mission they started out on....Taking on the Enemy head on and dying if it was the only way to defeat them and bring about a cure...

Anyone else seen it????

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by Toneman on 20-01-2008 at 14:56:

thanks for ruining it for me... I wanted to see it, but now I don't have to since you told me how it

"Bird Go!!!"
Gatch Eagle Gatch

Posted by Aelia on 20-01-2008 at 17:28:

Well, no. I don't have much interest in watching the least not until after I've picked up the book and read it. That way I can make a comparison of the two. Bounce2

"This conversation has gone to the gutter!"
"Wrong, it was there before we even started!"

Posted by Springie on 20-01-2008 at 18:01:

Haven't seen it...but now I'm scared to...don't want nightmares! Eek7


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 20-01-2008 at 21:54:

Originally posted by Toneman
thanks for ruining it for me... I wanted to see it, but now I don't have to since you told me how it

I didn't say how it ends Tone...just the plot lines, you'd still have to watch it to find out how it was concluded,,,Wink2

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 20-01-2008 at 21:59:

I we get movies months after the states gets them, I thought one of you might have seen it thats all...

I would say it's more like a thriller...But if you watch it....when he's getting around the city in the red race car and the shot gun hunting...that is soooo Condor, and i could see Joe being the only one left....

You know some times I read the book and then compare it to much to the movie, reading is more personal because it's your interpretation not someone else's idea.

You I think thats what it is that I like about some fic reviews. The reader tells you what they got out of it, because what you see and they see could be different.. made think of that....mmm

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by amyltrer on 21-01-2008 at 17:12:

Geez, Springie, looks like you have a low spooky tolerance.

BTW, Ebony, if you want a movie that'll give you the creeps try the Exorcism of Emily Rose. I woke up at the night I saw it (because the neighbours above were listening music aloud). That was creepy. I even had some nightmares few nights after but that was all!

It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 22-01-2008 at 00:15:

I'm not into horror movies, I have a good enough imagination that I don't need them to spook me out any more than a well done thriller can...LOL

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by kimiko on 22-01-2008 at 15:03:

I prefer the psychological thrillers, rather than all out gore-fests too Ebony. One of my favs is 'The Shining'. Though I thought the movie was great, I found the book more so. I remember being alone at home, in my room reading it, and the wind blew the door open ever so slowly......and I just about hit the roof!

Putting the "Con" in Condor....Ooooo... shiny red button!

Posted by Springie on 22-01-2008 at 20:55:

Eek6 Poltergeist...that's the movie that freaked me out...ghosts and the occult freak me out more than anything, though...but yet I am fascinated...I am addicted to watching Ghost hunters now... Ghost2


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by amyltrer on 22-01-2008 at 21:37:

Steven King's horrors got me caught. Especially IT!

It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

Posted by clouddancer on 22-01-2008 at 22:05:

Originally posted by Springie
Eek6 Poltergeist...that's the movie that freaked me out...ghosts and the occult freak me out more than anything, though...but yet I am fascinated...I am addicted to watching Ghost hunters now... Ghost2

It is the ghosts and the occult that highly interests me, which I guess, is why I have so much of them in my universe.
IMO 90% of ghosts are friendly spirits. If they want to communicate with you it is in a friendly way. (and that is only likely to happen if you are 'open' to spirits) The other 10% may be more aggressive. To me this is no worse than living people. So, your chance of finding a ghost that is trying to hurt you is as likely as some living person attempting to hurt or injure you. To me, nothing to be scared of at all.

Occult .... Well I am uncertain of what I feel. I think in the terms of White occults and Dark occults. The darker ones can be dangerous the white ones can be useful and again you have to be willing to be open to the idea of 'it', what ever 'it'* is, for it to work.

*"It": could be something simple like intuition, astrology, a person reading their horoscopes, right into, believing in witches and the use of spells and potions. I suspect ESP powers could also be put under the term occult as well.

Anyways this is off topic: everyone was talking about horror movies and thrillers. Back to your talk.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Hinotori on 23-01-2008 at 01:23:

I love psychological thrillers. Sixth Sense is one of my faves, though Signs scared the crap out of me... Everytime I think about that scene where the kids are having the party and the "thing" walks across the yard....

I'll never forget when I saw that movie... I saw it with some friends and then went back home - alone - to my dark house. Yeah, I got a lot of sleep that night!!!

But the whole ghost/spirit thing... I'm totally into that. I love Ghost Hunters (TAPS is just the coolest if you ask me! I love the Waverly Sanatorium investigations!). I'm even into John Edwards. I just need to be careful when I watch this stuff when I'm home alone at night... Sometimes it freaks me out to no end! Ghost2

Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

Posted by clouddancer on 23-01-2008 at 01:28:

I used to watch John Edwards and .... I forget her name, but she is on Montel a lot.
I do not think John Edwards is on Canadian TV any more. At least not on the stations I have. Pleased

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Hinotori on 23-01-2008 at 02:05:

Oh, Sylvia something. Sylvia Brown?? I'm not into her too much. She asks too many questions, so it makes me think that she's not as psychic as she makes herself out to be.

JE is on Lifetime here in the States. His newest show is called John Edwards Cross Country.

Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

Posted by clouddancer on 23-01-2008 at 02:09:

Yes that is correct. Sylvia Brown?

I do not watch her too much either. Only if I happen to have the time to watch Montel over the summer and she happens to be on. I do not go out of my way to watch her. It just interests me, what a psychic can do or discover.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Springie on 23-01-2008 at 02:27:

I like John Edwards, too...Ghost Hunters actually had thermal footage of energy leaving a guy and going over to the was neat...wonder if they have it on you Tube...I'll check...


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Springie on 23-01-2008 at 02:39:

Here ya go... it's toward the end...the old psychic guy is the creepiest part...

Ghost Hunters Psychic


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Hinotori on 23-01-2008 at 02:58:

I remember that ep!! Of course sitting here now, alone, it's freaking me out a bit, but oh, that's so freaky!

Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 23-01-2008 at 04:25:

I've never seen that show before, it might not be aired in Aussie...looks creepy though...

I lived a place that really was haunted old mansion when I first moved to Sydney...Think that thermal camera would have been handy back then...

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

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