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Posted by kimiko on 16-01-2008 at 14:15:

Shocked So you think you're a Guitar Hero?

TJ! Get your DH to check this kid out....9 Year Old Guitar Hero

This is the hardest song on the most difficult level. My DH's jaw hit the floor! All I can say is wow.....

Putting the "Con" in Condor....Ooooo... shiny red button!

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 16-01-2008 at 22:07:

Wow go kid!!!

My 9 month old daughter has started to play the electric keyboard...she goes for the more dramatic keys I noticed, it sound like Count Dracular is going to walk into the room at any moment and she doesn't like to share, her dad tried to play with her and she pushed his hands away...if she could talk she'd have said."Mine don't touch daddy...get your own."From the annoyed look she gave him.

I had a go on my cousins guitar hero over Christmas,(it was her son's Chrissy pressie.)

I was not great, but it was my first go at DH was was good at it...

It's addictive!!!! We sat there for 3 hours mucking around with it...

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 18-01-2008 at 18:05:

Oh, that's funny.I'll have to get him to look once we're back.

Actually, we were at a Barenaked Ladies concert about a year ago and Ed was talking about how he had beaten Guitar Hero (I think it was version II at the time) on the toughest level and how he just loved the rush... Freebird, I think...

Anyhow, DH's respect fr the band (which was already sky-high) just zoomed into the stratpsphere at that point.

Kind of like when we met Wil Wheaton and all he could talk about was playing Planescape (you can see, this was some years ago) and suddenyl DH didn't think Wesley Crusher was such a bad guy anymore... Wink

Still, I got my picture with Wesley! Who hoo!


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