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We were going to pass this one up. So glad we didn't.
It's a character piece, not a plot piece, but the plot is sufficiently solid.
It's a bit slow to get going, but well worth the wait.
The characters are unique -- start with a stereotype, and then twist it to new meanings just before the audience gets comfortable.
Bit of an "Uh, that wasn't what I signed on to enjoy" in the middle, but I was laughing again in seconds. Actually, once that happened, the laughing wouldn't stop.
Wonderful use of juxtaposition and foreshadowing; things I knew were coming were twisted beyond recognition by the time they finally arrived. And the camerawork? Beautiful. There's one shot, near the end, so perfectly framed and absolutely inappropriate to the movie that it was perfect. (Email me if you've seen it and let me know if you can guess the shot I mean.)
And the music! That was one of the best parts -- one sequence combined renaissance, hippity-hop, and gospel -- good old-fashioned dancing in the pews black Baptist gospel.
Definitely one to see when you're ready for a good time.
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
- Viktor E. Frankl
I haven't heard of this one. Is it a UK release? Sounds pretty good.
What if there is a spoon?
I saw this movie a few weeks ago! Hehehe
A group of bumbling thieves use a devout old woman's home/boarding house as their headquarters while they dig a tunnel under it to a gambling boat full of loot. Tom Hanks is over the top awesome with his southern gentleman professor conman schtick (played with a gleeful gleam in his eye the whole way through so you knew how much fun he had with the role), and I will never look at IBS in the same light again! Nor false teeth for that matter....baaahahhaaaaa
Gawd that movie had me in stitches the whole way through. And it took me a while to catch on, but the movie made prominant use of Edgar Alan Poe imagery through the whole thing. Groovy!
"Spider sense....tingling."
Is this the one with Alec Guiness? Its a classic!
Thanks Cep Administrator
The original is fantastic, and I understand it's out on DVD now in one of the Ealing Comedy sets. This is the remake, which I haven't seen, but I really should make the effort to get round to it.
Was it an English remake?
Thanks Cep Administrator
It's american, hence Tom Hanks. Can't remember who else is in it.
The rest of the American cast was:
Marion Wayans
J. K. Simmons
Tzi Ma
Ryan Hurst
Irma P. Hall
I found a great website for it if you are interested. High on flash so don't view it at work.
"Spider sense....tingling."
Flash is bad at work? Huh...better tell the IBM employees. *grin* Dad and his old coworkers (most of them are now retired...because they're *old* ) always goofed off on the internet. Never got in trouble, either. Probably had to do with the fact that the whole building was filled with computer geeks. ^_^ The company was probably just glad that the people did what they were supposed to as well.
Or are you talking about flash, as in the process of exposing one's naked self?
What if there is a spoon?
Elvin says she's innocent? Sure...
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
- Viktor E. Frankl
And Cricket says she's not a perv....
I think she keeps it in the closet. Or slips into it when the party calls for it. *snirk*
"Spider sense....tingling."
Hey, thought you were eight hours' drive away! What are you doing coming to my parties?
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
- Viktor E. Frankl
8 hours? How fast are YOU driving?? And were you drinking at the party before you drove?
"Spider sense....tingling."
8 hours from Lyon's. But, no, that doesn't make sense, either.
Must have left my map in the closet.
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
- Viktor E. Frankl
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