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Kill Bill Vol 1
Although this movie has just came out to DVD, I finally took the time to go see it the dollar movies.
Why did I wait sooo long? This movie FREAKIN' GREAT (imho). Yes, it is the standard "revenage-i'm gonna kill you all for screwing me over" movie, but I've always had a soft spot for movies with large amounts(wasn't as much as some (Braveheart had massive amounts)) of carnage , kung fu kick assing, sword wielding pissed off women, hacked off limbs, blood gushing, Japense speaking, subtitled and darkly humorous movies(i'm not sure how many others throught it was funny, but I was dying(no pun) laughing several times.
Just throught I'd share this before I ran off to the store to buy stuff to make cookies.
"A heretic is a man who sees with his own eyes."
-Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
Engrave this Quote "Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality."
-Jules de Gautier
I haven't seen this film yet but I always hear great things about it, some saying its the best tarantino since Pulp Fiction.
Think I'll have to go and buy the DVD but at the moment I want to see "once upon a time in mexico"
Thanks Cep Administrator
Kill Bill was a movie I found I had to watch twice.
The first time, I kept thinking 'Ya know...I dunno if I like this movie'. It was an eyecandy feast of more gratuitous violence than any one movie should have. Now add an off the wall plot and a suprising ammount of surreal situation comedy. This was supposed to be entertaining? I guess?
Then, like a train wreck. I had to turn my car around and go back to see it again. I mean many people can make a person run around screaming with a major body part hacked off, spraying arterial blood like a technicolor lawn sprinkler and make it look ARTISTIC? Fangora becomes Art Neveau.
This movie is a symphony of violence. And yes, I laughed my ass off. Holy shit, I shifted my brain a little to the left and a little to the right simultaniously to get inside Tarantino's head in a bipolar split (sort of like finding the humor to Monty Python for the first time) and wow.
This flick was great! I give it 3 double oh sevens.
"Spider sense....tingling."
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"A heretic is a man who sees with his own eyes."
-Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
Engrave this Quote "Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality."
-Jules de Gautier
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Shoot first..ask questions later!
Certainly sounds like it, Imi. But maybe you should support it just a little bit more, just in case?
Haven't seen it yet. I always get disturbed when I watch particularly violent movie. Is it because it grosses me out?'s also because of my tendency to laugh.
Yup. I laugh at violence. There is some sadistic part of me that finds people getting their eyes gouged out hilarious. Afterwards, I am so disturbed by my reaction that I walk around like a zombie for a while. I don't know why I laugh. O.o It shouldn't be funny. It isn't funny. I'm thinking "gross, bleah" at the same time I break out in laughter...
Er...this is turning into Therapy Hour for Elvin...heh...
What if there is a spoon?
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