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Posted by meridianday on 19-07-2007 at 08:37:

Don't eat while driving

Swiss police reward safe drivers
Presumably the safe drivers have to eat before leaving or wait until they stop again, so they can concentrate on the road and not on the delightful swiss choccies?


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 19-07-2007 at 15:14:

Every summer the local cops give out tickets to kids wearing bike helmets, good for an ice cream, and a draw at the end of the summer for a new bike.

Makes kids wear their helmets, and gives them a chance to interact in a positive way with the cops.

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by Transmute Jun on 19-07-2007 at 16:23:

Ummmm..... Swiss chocolates.... ooooh.....

Drool.... (insert Homer Simpson noise)

Must... drive... to Switzerland.... Car


Posted by Metaliant on 21-07-2007 at 10:13:

Well I think the Swill will get invade4d by a lot of women who want that chocolate. Almost sounds like another fic for the writers here. But not just a fic, but with a homage fic to Charlie And The Chocolate Factory.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by meridianday on 21-07-2007 at 10:29:

Katse is supposed to be from somewhere around that area.

I bet Katse likes chocolate. I'm imagining a raid on traffic police HQ to steal it. Maybe in a gnome mech.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by gatchgirl on 22-07-2007 at 09:14:

TJ don't forget your boat on that trip... don't think your car can make it through the ocean... too much salt!

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

Posted by Springie on 22-07-2007 at 13:53:

I'm imagining a raid on traffic police HQ to steal it. Maybe in a gnome mech.

Or a giant Oompa-Loompa mech...scary! Freak2


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Metaliant on 23-07-2007 at 20:32:

Singing the Oompa-Loompa song.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Transmute Jun on 23-07-2007 at 20:54:

Oh Gatchgirl, I'm going to take the Condor Attacker, It goes in water AND on land!


Posted by Metaliant on 24-07-2007 at 18:15:

But what about snow, after all the Swiss live on the other side of the Alps, which means you will have to dr5ive through snow?

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Transmute Jun on 24-07-2007 at 18:22:

I think the Condor Attacker can deal with it. Wink


Posted by clouddancer on 24-07-2007 at 19:16:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
I think the Condor Attacker can deal with it. Wink

We know it does. In BOTP Orion the wonderdog (or what ever it was called) the team drive thier vehicles in the snow of the arctic. chased by spectran war machines/snowmobiles.

I just watched this the other day so I remember it.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by clouddancer on 24-07-2007 at 19:18:


BTW Met.
Are you enjoying the rain/flooding they are getting over there in Stratford?

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by meridianday on 24-07-2007 at 21:41:

Stratford doesn't have it the worst...

The head office of the company I work for is in Cheltenham - it got flooded a few weeks ago and they stuff they kept in the basement, such as the servers and UPSs (wow, great planning) got ruined. The previous owners decided to build their prestigious office on a flood plain - I wonder if the land was cheap?

So it got flooded again on Friday. Guess where they put the replacement servers and UPSs that they only just replaced? Right next to the old ones. In the basement.

I work for idiots, clearly.

They've got no direct water supply either, although that's just because of where they are, rather than unbelievably bad planning.

However, Met and I only live a few miles apart, and where we live hasn't had the worst of it at all. Although I did have trouble getting to school to pick my daughter up on Friday since the local streams were all over the roads.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 25-07-2007 at 17:59:

Lightening and floods never strike the same place twice, unless you look at the real world.

Woman is stopped as she gets onto an airplane. Seems she has a bomb in her luggage.

"Yes, sir, it's a real bomb. It's for safety. There are never two bombs on an airplane."

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by gatchgirl on 26-07-2007 at 14:29:

TJ are you trying to swipe my Condor???? I thought you was an Eagle woman! Omfg

Oh and thanks Met.. you have that darn Oompa -Loompa song now playing in my head... must shake it out!!!

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

Posted by Transmute Jun on 26-07-2007 at 16:22:

Originally posted by gatchgirl
TJ are you trying to swipe my Condor???? I thought you was an Eagle woman! Omfg

Not exactly... I'm firmly on the fence you see... Condor, Eagle, they BOTH have their charms... i would have thought that my fics proved *that*.... Wink

In any case, I was only talking about the Condor Attacker, but if the Condor comes with it, then I have no complaints! Wink


Posted by Metaliant on 26-07-2007 at 21:09:

Originally posted by clouddancer

BTW Met.
Are you enjoying the rain/flooding they are getting over there in Stratford?

Lucky for me the the weather just can't make up it's bloody mind. First it rains one day, then stops for the second day and then rains again the thrird day, stops the next day and so forth.

Also, the West Midlands seems to be okay. It's mostly Yorkshire, Wales and south midlands, (Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Gloucestershire) that are hit the worst. It seems that my borther's family, excluding their cat, havfe moved to my parents (that's a bit tight fit there, with 4 adults ad 3 kids in a 4 bedroom house) because part of the road that my borther's house is flooded.

As for Merri's employers putting the servers next tot he old ones.....Don't suppose any of them use to work for Index by any chance, as that would surprise me at all.

I think I might buy a narrow boat and live on that for 40 days and 40 nights.

It's also strange that there's a film whicvh will be out (Forgot the name), which is a kinda of a follow up to Burce Almighty where a person is made into a NOah type person by Morgan Freeman's God.


Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

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