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Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 13-07-2007 at 01:29:

Blocking Porn

Hey I need help ...

Swannie is in both a protective mommy and vengeful bitch mood tonight.

Fortuately to satisfy both urges I only need to do one thing.

How the Hell do I block porn sites from IE & Firefox?

I have warned Flash countless times about being careful if he HAS TO BE A GUY and watch smut ... But, no. Like MOST, and I say most so as not to offend, men the call of buxom porn bitches doing shit that even this swannie wouldn't attempt is too great to put on parental (or CYA) measures.

Finding Joshie watching porn once was bad, but I snarled, cursed out Flash and let it go.

Twice, I got miffed and threatened horrible retribution on the older man in this house ...

Three times ... Well. Tough Shit. It's gone, dammit. Gone.

To use a line from his precious baseball (his real wife) - Three strikes and you're out, buddy!

So tell me. How do I block ALL access to porn sites?

He is, as usual, playing baseball until midnight tonight, so I'd love to have it all set up for when he gets home.

And, hey. Don't snort at me and call me bad names for wanting to deny him his girlie-fix (cos this Swan aint enough, obviously). He can watch it - not like I could possibly stop him - but don't download it onto the DESKTOP where the kid can get it.

When my son has downloaded porn three times before he's 2 and a half ... nuh uh. It ain't cool.

And no. Denying the little guy access to the puter is not an option. I play educational games with Elmo and the crew online and Joshie is learning fast because of it, so ... yeah ...

So please help.



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by clouddancer on 13-07-2007 at 01:52:

Peaceful Owl trying to come to the rescue of a stressed out Swan.

I Just looked this up on the Firefox/mozilla website.

They say "Firefox and the Mozilla Suite do not feature built-in parental controls, content filtering, pornography blocking, or website blocking features. Thanks to the extension mechanism, however, you can add these yourself. Additionally, web filtering software is available which will filter the internet for any program on your computer. "

Try this link to access the extension add on

You may have to cut and paste it. As for EI sorry I can not help you there. Good luck.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 13-07-2007 at 01:57:

Oh thankee!!!!

I will check it all out right after my little guy goes to sleep



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Cep on 13-07-2007 at 14:40:

Its still not going to be a deterrant if the porn is being downloaded. Your best bet is to set up a user account specifically for little Joshies use.

This way any images etc downloaded to the desktop will not appear on Joshies account but Flash's instead.

The next step would be the parental controls as mentioned above and the step after that is to only let Joshie on the puter after Swanie has cleared the Internet Cache from all browsers including the history.


Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 13-07-2007 at 16:43:

Norton has a parental controls feature. I think you have to set it by profile, so Cep's advice for his own user account is good.

Our kids have their own account and their own browser home page, so (until they learn to type; note to self, finish removing the letters from the keyboard and delete Typing Tutor), they're at least limited to where they start. (Most kids' sites only link to other kids' sites.)

And what's he doing putting the links right on the desktop? Is he in so much of a hurry that he can't use the regular list of bookmarks?

Be sure to "forget" the parental password once you set it.

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by Buffy on 19-08-2007 at 15:56:

SJ baby,

I've searched high and low for porn blockers that would solve your problem.

Unfortunately, your little Condor is just too smart and stubborn for modern technology.

However, you could always find ways around it...?

You know, encouraging his love of wholesome things like Sesame Street...interactive age appropriate games with friends...perhaps something popular online with his age range? Hey! Maybe they have something out there to combine those things!

(important note: Sound effects are such that you would want avoid viewing this at work! )


"Spider sense....tingling."

Posted by Firebird on 19-08-2007 at 18:50:

SJ have to say I think the parental control and each having their own user account is the best way to go. Maybe if you give Flash his own account with password access it will prevent the children getting access to it also?

Short of speaking to Flash and requesting he bookmarks places instead of downloading its your best bet or better yet acknowledges he is a parent and does not download period (Yep I know thats so unlikely)

Sorry I can't be of more help. Huggles

P.s hope Flash realises what a wonderful wife he has most are not understanding or these sorts of things.

Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned Flame

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