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--- Well Hello IvoryEagle ... (

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 17-06-2007 at 12:39:

Well Hello IvoryEagle ...

Slides into the room and grins coylyt through her red visor as she sees new prey to play with..

Could it be? Another Eagle?

And an Australian one ...

Licks at her lips and checks out the new member up and down

Welcome ... welcome. We seem to have a lack of Eagles around here - with the abundance of Swans, we were actually beginning to consider crossing over to other sides/targets ...


No, seriously ... Welcome!

Great to see a new face behind a blue visor ... And a real hoot to see another Aussie - Australians really do seem to be taking over the board here ...

Our frisker Condor seems to be on another sabbatical - Where is our IMI!Condor? - So the frisking may have to come from either a Swannie or the other eagle Looks at Metaliant with a cheeky smirk

Hope you have some fun here.

I'm SJ - AKA the black swan. I get too dirty to wear white, so I retrofitted my uniform to black (and I did it waaaaaaay before the toy company did the same! - even if their unifors is eerily similar to mine) ...

Share your thoughts, play the games, and try not to get in the way of other swans ... because they can be quite playful in here!



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 17-06-2007 at 12:50:

Hi there IvoryEagle,

mmmm an Eagle for all us swans to fight over!

She's not the only black swan available you know!
Since the Condors away the Eagle can come out to play!

Tell us more about you IvoryEagle?

Are you andAngel1 or a Devil1 please tell all

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by amyltrer on 17-06-2007 at 12:53:

So after each Swan got her color it's time to get a matching Eagle too.
GatchaRanger! Yay!

Heh, I'm a Galactor , but who cares, I like birdies. So welcome around IvoryEagle!

It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

Posted by IvoryEagle on 17-06-2007 at 13:01:

Well... SwanJun... I expected some kind of welcoming committee... but no so fast, nor friendly. Thanks for the open invitation... albeit an acceptance with some hesitation... "as she sees new prey to play with.." I'm sure someone will gain some desirable enjoyment from this little endeavor Wink2

I must admit, this isn't the normal scope of "exploration" for this Eagle... it did come with some prompting, but surely it will be worth it. Just be gentle... it's my first sojourn into "online forums"... (at least... public forums anyway)

I know I have left little in my profile to research... but eh, that's my prerogative isn't it? Why is it that you lurk around these forums for unsuspecting victims? Wink2

... and what is it with all the Black Swans around here?

Posted by IvoryEagle on 17-06-2007 at 13:03:

Whoa! Now there are 3 already!

I'm already set to back out quickly...

Are we that short of Eagles here?!!!

Posted by clouddancer on 17-06-2007 at 13:10:

Hello to you.

I think you showed up at a good time.
If you are worried about swans, two of them have just left on a trip. I sure the others will keep you amused until they return.

They should be back in a few days to give you a frisking.....I mean welcoming.

As for Eagles. Yes we are short a few. We need you in here to keep all these Swans in line.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 17-06-2007 at 13:16:


Oh IvoryEagle, don't be scared ... We're not *really* that bad.

I'm actually a black swan, really, because I'm originally West Australian, and you know who our mascot is ... LOL!

And, eh ... Now I'm in Toronto, getting all snowed in in Winter, so I get cabin fever and go a little silly from time to time - you'll get used to me pretty quickly ..

Of course now it's Summer here, so I can actually go outside, so I'm a little more well behaved.

SO stick around, you'll have some fun, learn some cool things, and read some great fics ...

EbonnySwanne. Did you say two Swans are currently AWOL?

I don't recall signing any vacation request forms!

I will have stern words with those two on their return :chuckle:

As penance I suggest that they will have to write up a fic, each, with some Eagle/Swan goodness in it ... whatcha think?!?!

Go with me on this!

heh heh



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by IvoryEagle on 17-06-2007 at 13:16:

"In Line"...

err... OK... Um, I've never met a Swan that I could actually "keep in line'... so I don't see the chances of it improving with the apparent outweighed numbers I have here!

How about we all try to just get along nicely for now... and see if there is some kind of natural "alignment" in this little nest?

... or... whatever the Swan's decide is best?

Posted by clouddancer on 17-06-2007 at 13:16:

Originally posted by clouddancer

As for Eagles. Yes we are short a few. We need you in here to keep all these Swans in line.

Clouddancer puts stick in pot and begin stiring.

Sorry I just couldn't resist. See even us Owls have a dark side.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by clouddancer on 17-06-2007 at 13:24:

Originally posted by SJ_SwanJun

EbonnySwanne. Did you say two Swans are currently AWOL?

I don't recall signing any vacation request forms!

I will have stern words with those two on their return :chuckle:


I think that was me. Did I not read that Springie and TJ are going on a Carribean cruise? Over in the Shared Joy thread? Perhaps I am wrong.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by IvoryEagle on 17-06-2007 at 13:26:

Have I raised my head and joined in the middle of nesting season?

All of a sudden, there seems to be more Swan's than anticipated on this forum!

So... It's normally cold in Canada... it should surely keep you in control over there.. As for "local" Swans... most should be suitably drenched in recent weather to keep from launching attack immediately... or have I misread the determination of the "Aussie Swan"?

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 17-06-2007 at 13:28:

Originally posted by IvoryEagle

... or... whatever the Swan's decide is best?

Spoken like a true Eagle not wanting to suffer the ire of the yo-yo weilding sheila ... That is why he's Commander, kiddies ...


I can just see our pirate Cep coming in to kick our butts for tormenting the newbie.

Truth be known, we Swans are all talk (shh don't tell anyone). We come out all tough with chests puffed out ... Look away Condors ... and eyes narrowed pretending to be invincable. ut as soon as things get ugly, what is the first thing we do?

Gatchaman: "Ken!"
BotP: "Mark!"


We squeal and call for our Commanders ... sighhhh ...

Me, I have my own Commander at home. His name iis Flash. I love me a man in a red uniform ...

I'll hide underneath his arms when the going gets stuff and he can streak the two of us out of trouble ... When he isn't playing baseball, of course ...




Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 17-06-2007 at 13:30:

Originally posted by SJ_SwanJun

Oh IvoryEagle, don't be scared ... We're not *really* that bad.

I'm actually a black swan, really, because I'm originally West Australian, and you know who our mascot is ... LOL!

And, eh ... Now I'm in Toronto, getting all snowed in in Winter, so I get cabin fever and go a little silly from time to time - you'll get used to me pretty quickly ..

Of course now it's Summer here, so I can actually go outside, so I'm a little more well behaved.

SO stick around, you'll have some fun, learn some cool things, and read some great fics ...

EbonnySwanne. Did you say two Swans are currently AWOL?

I don't recall signing any vacation request forms!

I will have stern words with those two on their return :chuckle:

As penance I suggest that they will have to write up a fic, each, with some Eagle/Swan goodness in it ... whatcha think?!?!

Go with me on this!

heh heh


We swans stick together!

Yeah I believe from intel that they went on a cruise!

(clouddancer filled you in on that one)

I think a not so innocent fic from both of them! Should include an Eagle I think!

He looks a little nervous, I don't see why he should feel that way.
We are all soo well good swans but then I do not like to tell a lie LOL
Stick around IvoryEagle.....or we will take you to the rubber room, all the real action happens there ask SJ!

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by clouddancer on 17-06-2007 at 13:34:

Oh yes it gets cold in winter here in Canada.

but, right now we have temps in the high 20's humidity making it feel like 30's, and this is only Spring. Well ...... one week until summer officially begins.

As for Swans you really do not need to worry.

It is the Aussie Condor you have to watch out for.She is the one who corrupted me.

I started off like you a few months ago, shy and nevous, but now I am holding my own. I think...... I will find out when she returns.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by amyltrer on 17-06-2007 at 13:45:

Easy there Swannies! You're scaring the poor Eagle away!

Oh, and the Gallactor is always opened for the newbies.
Free beer and goon burgers for the sign-ups!

It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

Posted by IvoryEagle on 17-06-2007 at 13:46:

Right... I now see that the Northern (ie: Canadian) Swan is has already had her wings clipped (I know.. it was voluntary on your behalf... we all fall into that one)... and, as that last statement should indicate, I also have been allured into the comfort of a welcoming Swan Wink1

So, now we've cleaned up that little "unknown", we should be able to move on nicely... right? no?

Of course, we time this nicely with my... how should I put this... bedtime.

No, relax, it ain't all that! It just means that I get to snore, make horrible noises (allegedly), and generally get told that I make a nice, warm, substitute to the cat to cuddle up to...

No, really... The cat is GREAT to cuddle up to!

OK... enough. Thanks for the welcome all... and I look forward to future tete a tete online Wave3

Posted by Berg Katse on 17-06-2007 at 16:02:

If you think that the Aussie Condor is bad, who do you think taught her all the tricks? Wink

Stretches her long, lithe body, and leans back on her sofa, lowering her eyelids and looking at IvoryEagle with a look of feline longing...

The Swans here may have some competition...I would love to have a little bird to play with...


Posted by Metaliant on 17-06-2007 at 16:20:

RE: Well Hello IvoryEagle ...

Originally posted by SJ_SwanJun
Slides into the room and grins coylyt through her red visor as she sees new prey to play with..

Could it be? Another Eagle?

And an Australian one ...

Welcome ... welcome. We seem to have a lack of Eagles around here - with the abundance of Swans, we were actually beginning to consider crossing over to other sides/targets ...

No, seriously ... Welcome!

Great to see a new face behind a blue visor ... And a real hoot to see another Aussie - Australians really do seem to be taking over the board here ...

Our frisker Condor seems to be on another sabbatical - Where is our IMI!Condor? - So the frisking may have to come from either a Swannie or the other eagle Looks at Metaliant with a cheeky smirk

Hope you have some fun here.

"YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH, i AN NOT alone anymore. Hiya Ivoryeagle, welcome to the madhouse....I mean the forum. I hadve been the only eagle here with everybody ganging on me (not mentioning which birdies).

Sorry that our frisking condor ain't here. She does this every so often and then jumps back right in. Luckly I got a CFT (Condor Finding Thingy) that seems to work.

If you aren't mad and corrupted, then you will, especially if you walk through the door that is marked Rubber Room. In fact, let me give you hand in there." Pushes newbie in and jumps in afterwards with the released hounds of madness and corruption.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by clouddancer on 17-06-2007 at 16:34:

Originally posted by Berg Katse
If you think that the Aussie Condor is bad, who do you think taught her all the tricks? Wink


Ah! So you taught Imi everything she knows did you? SO, it's you I have to worry about is it?

Swivels hips and walks in opposite direction.
Well since I have only seen you about once or twice in the few months I have been here. I don't think I will worry.
Glances over shoulder to make sure Katse has remained in position.

(Perhaps my Condor frisking corrupted me more than I thought.)

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 17-06-2007 at 23:12:

Originally posted by IvoryEagle
Have I raised my head and joined in the middle of nesting season?

All of a sudden, there seems to be more Swan's than anticipated on this forum!

So... It's normally cold in Canada... it should surely keep you in control over there.. As for "local" Swans... most should be suitably drenched in recent weather to keep from launching attack immediately... or have I misread the determination of the "Aussie Swan"?

You are right, the feathers are soaked through and this swan has had to learn how to swim;

Webbed feet moving fast under rising waters

But that also means that she's cold and wet and needs a nice warm nest to dry off in...and a warm eagle to cuddle up I being to forward....or is there another swan in your life, sniff sniff


BlushingShe shyly puts her head under her black wings and looks at him through her batting eyelashes and waits. [/I]

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

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