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Posted by tatsunokofan on 15-06-2007 at 16:16:

New CG Gatchaman Preliminary Artwork

Hello all!

Several new preliminary art images from Imagi's CG Gatchaman film were posted today on Ain't It Cool News. The images can be seen following a write-up about the press announcement regarding the scriptwriter for the feature, at:



Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 15-06-2007 at 16:23:

Oh, God. ...

Oh sweet Jesus ...

Oh my Sweet - whatever other deities there are out there!!

Tats. Thank you so much for these!!!!

Stunning. Absolutely Stunning!!

It's beginning to look awfully busy though ... I'm concerned we aren't getting any REAL pictures of the team ... Everything is so far away and you really have to look hard to find them.

But ... still ... I love it.

I'm both thrilled and nervous about how this is going to end up ...

Any word on whether they'll ... sell it to Sandy Frank, let him butcher it a little, add a robot and call it Battle of the Planets when they're done??


Thanks again!!



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by amyltrer on 15-06-2007 at 16:36:

Those Gallactor mecha bugs look inspired from Starship Troopers

Also Utoland seem to be in Japan, if you look at the writing from the walls.

Ahhh, six more months to wait Morning2

It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 15-06-2007 at 16:42:

Okay ... So closer look at Civvie birdies.

So Ken looks a little scruffier/badboy than Joe. (and please pull up those jeans, Ken, darling - don't make me walk up behind you and give them a quick YANK downward ...)

Joe looks like a pretty boy - actually he looks pretty damn hot ... um, for an anime character ... And he smokes (YAY TO WE SMOKERS!!)

Is that Jinpei on Ryu's shoulders?

If so ... Where is Jun?!?! HUH?! Where is the SWAN love?

Actually I'm kind of terrified to see what they're going to put her in - the OAV made me choke ...

Will look more later..

Too excited for words

Oh, yeah ... I am so going to be a Condor fangirl for this one ... Yummy ...


Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 15-06-2007 at 16:43:

Awesome art, but I'm a bit concerned with too much attention to detail. Rather, too many details. Too much for my lazy eyes to follow, esp during action scenes. And don't you just hate it when the clouds outside the window catch your eye and you miss the subtle facial expression?

Looks like Utoland itself will be gritty. Leaning towards CyberPunk. Not my favourite place to visit, but it can do good things for the story.

We'll just have to wait and see. At least the idea is getting some big names and respect

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by meridianday on 15-06-2007 at 17:09:

I'm disappointed by the smoking Joe. But that's just me.... how's he supposed to be a kickass superfit fighting ninja with lungs full of tar? No doubt the rest of the team will be non-smokers as they're not such "bad boys". Such an easy, lazy way to mark someone out as a rebel...

I think they're going to keep clear views of the team uniforms sort of secret as a teaser... maybe the same with civvie Jun. They've said they're aiming for a PG-13 or even an R for the movie, so I suppose there are a lot of things they could be planning visually.

If they achieve that sort of richness of detail in their CGI world as on these mockups (I assume these are artistic layouts rather than the actual cgi look) then there's certainly going to be a lot to look at. I hope they manage to keep the detail even. When I saw the Final Fantasy CGI movie (wow, that's old now) I was struck by the unevenness of the detail - some characters were staggeringly detailed and others were very basic. Things have come on a long way from that these days, but it may still be a risk when it's not the huge studios with their huge budgets like Dreamworks and Pixar.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by tatsunokofan on 15-06-2007 at 17:23:

Hi all!

I'm disappointed by the smoking Joe. But that's just me.... how's he supposed to be a kickass superfit fighting ninja with lungs full of tar?

I know how you feel, and I agree. I hope that this particular piece of "characterization" doesn't survive past these concept drawings. If not, I can see it now...

"Doctor, our plan to sneak into the Gallactor base failed because the enemy was alerted by Joe's smokers cough."

Ahhh, six more months to wait

Longer than that. The press release from June 13th said the movie was "Scheduled for completion in late 2008..." That likely means November or December, assuming it isn't delayed and pushed back to Spring or Summer of 2009.


Posted by Transmute Jun on 15-06-2007 at 17:24:

Wow, these are awesome! I'm thrilled with the civvies pic. We finally get to see them! Whoo hoo!

Thank you so much for posting these!


Posted by clouddancer on 15-06-2007 at 17:58:

Oh Wow!!

Like SJ I was thinking Utoland was looking very busy.
I just took that as a sign of the future. (our over crowed Earth)

The civies! Initially, I thought.... there they are!.... the I saw the ciggie and decided I was looking at civilians. Thoses can't be our boys and that is just a father and son walking the streets of Utoland.

But seeing all your comments. I guess I have changed my mind again, so I will have to go back and have a good look.

Boy can my eyes be fooled, when I looked at the Logo I was thinking who is the sixth person in the picture. Took me a while to figure out that was Ken's hand out behind him, with his rang in it. I guess I should just give up and go have a good rest. Maybe look when I have a fresher brain. (like that will ever happen)

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 15-06-2007 at 18:34:

Oh the cut down on smokers ... gah.

<note: not eliciting an argument, just setting forth an example>

Hey, it's still possible to be a fit monkey and be a smoker.

My darling boy Flash is a tree surgeon, he climbs trees, hauls brush, chainsaws, injects, cables from 6am until the darkness falls. He also plays baseball about 7000 times a week.

We call him the Flash because of his sheer speed. He can run 100 in 11 seconds flat, run all the bases in under thirty seconds, jump, flip, slide and and all that flamboyant bullshit. He can belt a baseball over 350 feet and throw with pin-point accuracy over 100 feet ... and not break a sweat, let alone breathe heavy ...

The only time you'll catch him short of breath and breathing heavy is <censored by management> ...

And he's 35 years old - has been smoking since he was fourteen. He kicks the asses of the younger guys on the University teams who don't smoke, drink, swear, etc.

He is one of the fittest people I have ever met; has a divine body (oh mrrowrr); and simply has boundless energy ... Lucky me!!

So, yeah. It's possible. Very possible. Smoking is really not as debilitating as the propaganda machine is suggesting - especially not to an 18 year-old ... 40 year old, maybe .... but an 18 year old?! Hardly ...

And okay, this comes from a smoker ... But I honestly don't see why it is so bad. Ciggies have always been associated with the rebel ... and Hell, with the anti-smoking movement in motion it IS defiant rebellion to light up a butt these days - make you feel like a damn criminal ... To have the team rebel having a smoke is fitting - absolutely fitting.

It is the ultimate "fuck you" to the establishment.

A cheap way of saying rebel? Yeah, but it works...

Back in the days when Gatch was first produced, lighting up a fag was great - hell you could even smoke in hospitals - It is only now that people are all freaked over it.

TBH - I would be more concerned with the air quality and pollution around the busy metropolis of Utoland than I would a ciggie. I mean, shit, with that much going on, all the cars, pollution and shit ...

oh and ...

Explosive residue, burnt gunpowder, fumes from accelerants used to perform the Hinotori attack, CO2 from burning buildings and vehicles, general carcinogens in the air from collapsing buildings during attacks ... to only mention but a few ... would be far more alarming, I would think, to the Condor than having a puff on a butt.

I like that someone has the balls to put a cig in the fingers of the Condor. Some people will be pissed off - which is perfect, that's the Condor!

MHO is that it fits. I always saw the shuriken chewing as him actually trying to quit ... LOL ...

But, again, that's me. I think the whole image, including the cigarette, is so hot I am turning Condor-girl instead of Eagle ... LOL!

I am still scared to see Jun.

Absolutely terrified.

Please keep her innocence and not turn her into a thing wearing painted-on t-shirts with double d perkies and low, low, low rise jeans that are as tight as the shirt, with the ....

Oh, look at the comics, the image with the team walking in civilian out from under the Phoenix ... if she looks like THAT I'll shoot myself.

But. ... God I love that Condor!! Yummmmm

Please don't flame me


Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 15-06-2007 at 18:51:

Actually, you know what?

The fact that people are annoyed that he has the ciggie - kinda works, don't ya think?

Perfect reaction he'd get from TPTB in the project:

"Oh my god, he's having a cigarette."

"Well, how can anyone expect to be a fighter with tar lungs?"

"Doncha know smoking is bad for you?"

"Bad role model for the kids."

And the list goes on ...

Makes sense, don't it? He's a rebel, and those kinds of reactions are EXACTLY what a rebel wants.

Go against the grain, so to speak ...

So, yeah. He with the butt is absolutely perfect!


I mean, shit. If it can irk the viewing public - it muct drive Ken and the rest nuts ... LOL

I can see him ... on the command deck, patting his chest and pockets for a lighter as he puts a cigarette in his mouth.

Joe: Ahh, shit. I lost my lighter back in the base.

Ken: <looking up from his console> What?

Joe: <eyeballs the lever and smirks with the cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth - he has a solution to his lack of flame problem> I think we need to go fiery, Commander.

Ken: <looking perplexed as he glances into the monitors to find no bogeys or what-not> Why?

Joe: We just do.

Ken: Why?

And ... it just get s stupid from there ...

<shrugs> I am soooooooooooooooooooo bored here at work today ... so bored .... so very bored ....



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by meridianday on 15-06-2007 at 19:04:

Japan has a huge quantity of smokers. Most of them male. But Joe never smoked in original Gatchaman, Gatchaman 2 or Gatchaman Fighter. The only place he smokes is in the OAVs. You see Nambu smoking, Katse smoking, Galactors smoking, President Anderson smoking, various allies of the ISO smoking. Gatchaman isn't a non-smoking series, but they're a non-smoking team.

All you've said above doesn't stop the characterisation of giving him a cigarette lazy, you admit that.

Just as you can't go into the business of bomb disposal as a smoker - ooh, it's a tense moment, I need a ciggy, never mind the explosive device that might be set off right next to me - I don't see how you can go into stealth mode in an enemy base with nicotine withdrawal either. Perhaps he's got nicotine patches built into his birdstyle? Or a ready supply of nicotine gum? Perhaps those withdrawal symptoms add to his angst?

Perhaps he's a social smoker and doesn't smoke enough to get withdrawal symptoms.

I'm not bashing smokers. I am bashing the idea of one of the KNT being a smoker, or at least an addicted smoker, in the same way as having them addicted to anything else would make it far more difficult to do their jobs. They've already got family crises and teenageness to deal with.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 15-06-2007 at 19:09:

Civvies? See, lost in the details. Definitely them, two have numbered shirts.

I like how Ryu is carrying Jinpei. Says a lot about the relationship and Jinpei's age.

No Jun in that shot. A missing team member story?

Ken's jeans are ripped and his shoulders are hunched. Yes! Not a preppie. His chest looks rather sunken, though; maybe just a bad moment to catch the shot.

Ryu, if not for the style being very thin, I'd say they made him too lean. I see him as fit young biker, or maybe some of the senseis at our dojo; muscles and flexibility and endurance definitely there, but a bit of padding as well.

If they're going for a rebel, I'll vote with Meridian; cigarettes are a cheap way to do it. If they're going for fatalistic (as in expects worse things to happen), it works for me. But notice the absence of swooning over here. You girls just head over to Joe, I'll stick here with Ken and Ryu.

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 15-06-2007 at 19:32:

Originally posted by meridianday

Just as you can't go into the business of bomb disposal as a smoker - ooh, it's a tense moment, I need a ciggy, never mind the explosive device that might be set off right next to me - I don't see how you can go into stealth mode in an enemy base with nicotine withdrawal either. Perhaps he's got nicotine patches built into his birdstyle? Or a ready supply of nicotine gum? Perhaps those withdrawal symptoms add to his angst?

Perhaps he's a social smoker and doesn't smoke enough to get withdrawal symptoms.

I'm not bashing smokers. I am bashing the idea of one of the KNT being a smoker, or at least an addicted smoker, in the same way as having them addicted to anything else would make it far more difficult to do their jobs. They've already got family crises and teenageness to deal with.

Oh you're too cute ... <grins>

Nicotine withdrawls aren't like withdrawls for heavy drugs. They pass very quickly (about five mins or so) and are more of a want than a dying need.

I find it a more habitual addiction than a chemical one ...

There is no cold sweating or vomiting or any such nonsense when you can't have a butt for a few hours - shit I do it all the time here at work. I did it through my pregnancy, and even took a 12 month sabbatical after the wisdoms came out. Most people are extremely capable of going a few hours or even days with no cigs ... So I can't see that as a viable argument for Joe nic-fitting in battle.

It's actually pretty cute (or is it scarey that propaganda does so well) that the lowly cigarette now apparently has the power that methamphetamines have over people.

There is no rehab for ciggies, cause ... well cause they simply aren't that potent! The only thing that Joe might suffer from if he was having a nic-moment would be to be a grumpy ass, which would actually serve him well to take it out on a galactor agent ... IT would make the fights with Ken interesting also ...

And ... uh ... a cig cannot set off C4, TNT, or even gasoline just FYI. Their transbonder bands would be a far greater danger in the face of set explosives than a cigarette would be. I've personally seen bomb squad operatives having a butt while disarming a weapon ... I fell on my ass laughing at him ...

I know you're not ragging we smokers, and I am seriously not trying to argue - just putting out my rebuttals.

But I think the fact that you're irritated over it, as many people will do, is probably exactly what the concept artist may have had in mind ... See how disgusted you are?

That's the point.



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by meridianday on 15-06-2007 at 20:09:

I work in an office where nearly all my friends used to smoke (well, before the company made most of them redundant). I've watched them go through nicotine withdrawal - their ability to concentrate went right out of the window. I'm not talking about heroin type withdrawal, I'm talking about the nicotine withdrawal I've seen around me whenever anyone tried to give up. I didn't see it passing in 5 minutes, and passing it off as a few minutes of grumpiness just doesn't cover it. Call it three days of shouting at everyone, not being able to work properly, losing their tempers over the slightest little thing... additional stress and they were climbing the walls. I well remember the time when all the smokers decided to quit together for mutual support - I think they lasted 6 hours. I watched my husband quit - that was far, far more than a bad mood and a need to have something to fiddle with and chew on.

But it affects everyone differently. There were a couple of guys who were just able to stop without any problems at all and just needed to fiddle with pens and chew gum to keep themselves busy. Perhaps you respond in the same way as them? It's not that difficult for everyone, I agree. But if everyone felt like that, it'd be easier for everyone who wanted to stop to manage to stop, wouldn't it?

If Joe had the unpleasant end of the nicotine withdrawal, it would make things extremely awkward on missions.

But we're arguing over preferences. You're a smoker who loves smoking and finds smokers sexy. I'm not. We're never going to agree on this nor are we ever going to be able to persuade each other. You may be relieved to know that I don't agree with all the anti-smoking legislation that's going on. I'm not rabid about it, I just find it unrealistic for any member of the team to be a regular, addicted smoker. And if he's just smoking as he's walking along the street, rather than with another bunch of people smoking, then he probably is. I find it as unattractive and unrealistic as any member of the team being an alcoholic.

It's not a realistic series, it's huge giant robots stomping on cities and teenagers flying on flexible wings. But everyone needs some level of believability to make it work for themselves and that's one of mine. You're right, Joe with a ciggy has wound me up. I don't think it's what the artist is trying to achieve, but then I don't know the political attitude to smoking wherever that artist is based. I still think it's the rebel shortcut, same as the OAVs. Heh, this Joe wears a shirt and doesn't have a leather jacket, I could be wrong.

You know, I'm surprised they're sticking with the numbered shirts.

Anyway, the lack of Jun in the artwork has made me wonder something - could they be using a bit of the Jigokillers plot in there? They're all outside without Jun because she's missing in action?


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 15-06-2007 at 20:29:

Meridian. Thanks. Thanks for not getting your panties in a bunch over this - I was a little worried I might offend or something.

I like you, I don't want to do that.

So thanks.

You're right, absolutely. Withdrawl is different to everyone. Flash gets moody when he's low on the smoke, I do it pretty well, as did most people here in my office when they quit - we went from 30 smokers to five in 12 months.

But when you're in a situation where you can't, absolutely can't have a ciggie - you tend not to even think about it. Boredom is when the withdrawl comes in, I find anyway....

But I also don't smoke a pack a day, never have. I am more social than anything.

I honestly don't find smokers sexy. I think smoking is very ugly. I see the girls I am with and am mortified thinking "do I look like that? Oh god, yuk" Therefore, I only smoke as an excuse for a break.

It is repulsive. I hate the smell. Flash is at his unsexiest when he has a butt hanging from his lip. But, heck ... what can ya do?

uh ... quit? LOL!

I find the new Joe sexy because of the way he seems to hold himself in the picture. Ken is slouchy and ... hmm ... almost adolescent. Joe seems more confident and his way of dress is a hit for me.

I love me a good muscle shirt and yummy arms (I am an arm and chest girl) ..

Honestly, at first glance I didn't see the ciggie - I just gaped at the yummyness, then looked closer and thought "Ooh, nice touch"

heh heh ...

And Jun in peril? :wibble: Great cos I love angst, but Not so hot on it in a movie.

I don't want her to end up the damsel in distress ... not unless she kicks some serious ass, sets the base for detonation and is leaning against the doorframe looking at her watch and clicking in disappointment in response time when the guys actually show up.

Character distress really only works, to me, if it is during a series, not in a movie. The whole point of the movie is to show the strength of the unit and the team. To have one of them under duress would hurt that somewhat, right?

Or am I not making sense again?


Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by meridianday on 15-06-2007 at 21:52:

I hate the smell too. Me and the hb met at work and he was a 20+ a day smoker at the time. A whole gang of us would go to the pub almost every evening and I'd be the only non-smoker there, and it's like being a magnet for smoke if you're the only one not smoking. Most of the people who only ever smoked in the pub told me they only took up smoking because it made other people's smoke less annoying.

I think for those who are badly chemically addicted, wanting a cigarette happens whether they're bored or not because it's a physical craving. I used to work with one guy who was so horribly addicted that he'd get the shakes if he had to go an hour without a cigarette. He was a very heavy smoker though. Didn't take it up until he was 22 or so either, and I think I met him when he was 25, so he must have really gone for it to make up lost teenage years Wink He told me he addicted himself by smoking so much dope at uni and getting hooked on tobacco that way.

I know I don't tend to want chocolate unless I'm bored, but that's the closest thing to an addiction I have. And it's an emotional compulsion rather than a physical addiction (must cut down, must cut down etc, I have some 70% cocoa solids bars just sitting in the kitchen waiting for me to go in there and look at them...) Maybe I've got Ryu's addiction. Comfort food. Or is that Tiny's?

You're right about Joe's stance. It's not the feral stance he's so famous for. He does look confident, standing there adjusting his sunglasses. It's the way he and Ken are standing that made me think of the Jigokillers. Ken being so depressed because he feels he's just killed Jun, and Joe just wanting to get back out there and kill Galactors. Ken's posture in that pic looks really miserable. Ryu could be carrying Jinpei as a comfort thing. That building they're next to probably isn't the Snack J but it makes me think of it.

That must be Jun's silhouette we can see most clearly in the Invasion pic.

I think the damsel in distress thing has become sufficiently unfashionable for them not to do it like that. Can't be definite of course, but they'd be crazy to do it. I think your suggestion would work well - the guys turn up and she's rescued herself and left them 30 seconds to escape.

Most probably I am reading far too much into that Utoland pic.

Dunno. Maybe I should try to get to see the TMNT movie. Maybe I could get a feel for the company's attitude towards female characters from that.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by clouddancer on 15-06-2007 at 22:10:

I should have waited to look at these images at home.
Better computer, better resolution and better bightness. I can actally see the faces, it is not just shadows and light.

SJ you are right, yumminess!

And SJ...... I was not offended by your comments about ciggies. I just do not think of Joe as carrying one. His trademark is Shuriken. Although I guess out in public, having a shuriken hanging out of his mouth would be a little obvious. (Perhaps this oral fixation is another sign he could be a smoker. One that has only just ocured to me as I write this.)

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 16-06-2007 at 00:17:

Originally posted by clouddancer
I should have waited to look at these images at . His trademark is Shuriken. Although I guess out in public, having a shuriken hanging out of his mouth would be a little obvious. (Perhaps this oral fixation is another sign he could be a smoker. One that has only just ocured to me as I write this.)

Bolding is mine...

Never EVER say that line in front of a woman who is a confessed deviant and writes smut just. for. fun.

I can totally come up with excuses for oral fixations for Condors, and I am damn sure the Yaoi fans could offer suggestions, too...



WIll respond more lucidly when Joshie climbs off my knee and stops playing with the toys that Flash says are his ... <rolls eyes> men are men at any age .... <grunt>

Meridian - will get back to you - you bring up some interesting observations I want to speculate about with ya ... because speculating over a picture is fun.


A fic based on this pic alone!!

Um. Probably a bad idea ...

Off with a toddler attached to her throat by his teeth


Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Springie on 16-06-2007 at 01:20:

Oh this whole thing gets me sooo excited...but seeing these pics only makes me want more!!! I wanna see Jun!!!

Is this Joe's new personna?bigjr LOL


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

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