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Posted by clouddancer on 27-05-2007 at 20:35:

Finally got to watch the OAV's

Well I finally had a rainy day where I couldn't go out and garden so I watched the OAV's I got from TJ.

TJ you were right to warn me about Dr. Nambu: his hair, and why a 'pink' lab coat? I like some of the other updates depicted on the DVD: Jun had a full uniform, no bare arms or thighs, Ken had short hair, and the bracelets were not as distinctive. Am I correct in thinking I saw the team wore necklaces with their numbers on them.

Did anyone notice they made Joe about a head taller than Ken? I did not like the friction between Ken and Joe though. And thinking of names why keep three team members names the same and change two? They also changed Jinpei from a swallow, in episode one I thought he was a hawk then, in two he announces he is a falcon.

What a mouthful Red Impulse has to say: we are the Inter Global Ninja Stealth Squadron / Red Spectra.

I am really glad I got a chance to watch these because now I can see where some writers get the plots/points I have read about in Fanfics.

Thank you TJ for sending the DVD up to me.


Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 28-05-2007 at 03:30:

I'm glad you liked them, CD! ITA, they have some good points. I generally like the look of them, although a lot of the personality has been taken out. I call them 'Gatchaman with the LOTR treatment'. Lol2

I think Jimmy is a falcon all along. In ep 1 He says 'Falcon Tracker Transform' or something like that, to transmute.

I like Jun's longer skirt too, but it doesn't prevent her from showing a lot of thigh, when the animators desire!

I think Jinpei and Ryu changed names because they wanted them to sound less Japanese. Jun's name is technically 'June' in the OAVs as well: again, less Japanese.

What did you think of Katse? Uh... Solaris... And, of course, the infamous Joe shower scene????


Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 28-05-2007 at 15:11:

HEh heh...

I kinda liked them too... Especially Nambu all pimped out - they missed the BLING, but were almost there.

I loved the animation ....

And I also wonder why the world got so excited about the condor shower scene (oh like duh - yummeroo) but noone noticed swannie going commando her boobies bounced with all their freedom in the leaterh outfit, and the nekkid transmute scene ...

Oh ....and take a careful look at the pics on the credits ...

If your mind is anywhere near as dirty as mine .... probably not, but anyhoo ... check out the pic of Jun and the lipstick bomb ...

to me it always looked like a prelude to a porno ...the positioning of it and what she looked like she was about to do with it ....

Whistles and wanders off to her corner of deviants - which is more naughty and gutter minded than any rubber room

It was fun. I LOVE the music vid at the end ... expecially the call out to our original Gatchaman .... That's kinda my favourite bit.



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by clouddancer on 28-05-2007 at 16:08:

You know, I noticed that about the Swan. I had to go back and check. I thought I was mistaken by what I saw.

Kaste/ Solaris was an unusaul character. Seemed much more Feminine that Kaste was in the original. I wondered if the creators were thinking of Gelsador but never seeing that series I would not know. And then Lord Zortec /Sosai I kept thinking Zoltar.

The shower scene: Luvu2 Of course I loved it. And was also waiting for it. watchout I have seen it around the sites a lot in the last year since I got to know of the Gatchaman existence.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 28-05-2007 at 17:03:

I think the naked Jun scene was just to offer equal opportunity eye candy. Wink

My favourite scene though is still Joe's 'satisfaction' right after he fires the missiles in Ep 2.


Posted by clouddancer on 28-05-2007 at 17:23:

I was taking so much in, I don't remember it. I will have to go back and watch it again.
Just to remind myself of it.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by gatchgirl on 29-05-2007 at 13:13:

CD now you have me wanting to pull out my OAV to rewatch it.... Shame on you... Lol2

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

Posted by clouddancer on 29-05-2007 at 14:12:

Ohhhh! You mean I am starting to influence some of you? Evil4

It's about time I got some payback for you all corrupting me.

Imi even has me writing stuff down. I woke up in the middle of the night last night not able to sleep with a small image in my mind. I could not get back to sleep until I wrote it down. Now I have all these ideas stemming off of it ....... and my mind is screaming NOOOOO! You never write stuff down.

What are you doing to me in here. Inverted2 *Cloud pounds on the closed door of the rubber room* Let me ooooout!

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 30-05-2007 at 01:14:

If only I was allowed access to my DVD player.
It seems that Joshie has claimed sole usage rights to it...and, unfortunately, that means Blues Clues over and over again - however, once or twice he put on BotP, which was kewl....

I will simply remember how DVD watching was, and live vicariously through you all...




Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by gatchgirl on 30-05-2007 at 01:19:

Sorry to hear that SJ... maybe you can get him to give you a night or a couple of hours in exchange for ice cream or something like that

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

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